This has been our Advent theme leading us to this sacred time of Christmas! On the verge of Christmas Eve I find myself humming carols and getting all things ready for worship. What an honor it is to lead worship for such a time as this - a time of silence and singing, of light and darkness, and of promises fulfilled. I love this time that friends and family gather for worship on Christmas Eve. There is a silence in the air that you can almost feel; we sing familiar songs that bring back childhood memories; the sanctuary becomes dark and the light of Christ makes it's way through the worshippers; and the holy story of promise and hope is remembered. We remember the love of God that was clothed in a tiny baby deep in a manger on the margins of the world. And there on the margins came the true power of God - gentle and loving, humble and vulnerable. May we remember this way of God this Christmas so that we will walk upon this earth possessing the true power and love of God on the margins gentle and loving, humble and vulnerable. Merry Christmas!