The water and the wells.
As I have been grieving what felt like the death of my hope that love would prevail above all else within our denomination, the clarity of the water has been calling to me from the planning to the footsteps of this pilgrimage. A little over two weeks ago the church that I have dedicated my heart and soul to once again broke my heart and grieved my soul. Over and over again I have hoped that change would come, over and over again I have prayed for the Spirit to breathe into us the life giving force of infinite love, over and over again I have stood weeping with those who have suffered the most harm by our exclusive stance in the world. With this on my heart I roamed the streets of Dublin. I encountered the Book of Kelly’s and a portrait of Jesus with the words "turning Darkness into Light.” I stood in a 3,000 year old structure that was built to let the glory of the sun penetrate the inner chamber and I saw the light. At the Cliffs of Moher I felt the power of the mighty waves and the midst of the wind that embraced me. I lit a candle at the Hill of Tara and prayed for the hearts that were heavier than mine that the church has harmed in body, mind, and spirit. As the flame grew on an altar where all traditions found their place, I found myself taking in the light - the light of the Divine that knows no bounds, has no beginning or end, and is without human words or limits. The conviction began to take root in the space of deep grief and a sigh too deep for words and rose up from the center of who I am - you know that space where God speaks… It was there and then that my baptismal covenant rose to my attention - “I will resist evil, injustice, and oppression in WHATEVER forms they present themselves." And I knew pilgrimage journey began.
Upon your return, we will chart a new course for us to follow, outside of the denomination if that is the path God has chosen for us. I am no stranger to following a path that God has chosen for me. Do not grieve. We are all beginning a new journey